

  • 我們Sandro的會員計劃(「本計劃」)由臺灣晟慕商貿有限公司(「我們」或「我們的」)運營和管理。該計劃將不時為其會員(「會員」)提供不同福利(「福利」)。請仔細閱讀適用於本計劃的條款和條件(「條款」)。
  • 透過參與本計劃,您同意您已閱讀、理解並接受所有條款,並同意受條款以及所有透過引用而納入的條款之約束。
  • 會員承認並同意,他們參與本計畫的前提是會員接受我們的隱私政策(政策詳情請參閱: http://www.sandro-paris.com.tw/privacy-policy ),Cookie 政策詳情請參閱: https://www.sandro-paris.com.tw/cookies-policy以及 Sandro 網站的條款和條件 (詳情請參閱: https://www.sandro-paris.com.tw/cn。這些政策以及條款和條件被視為併入這些條款中。
  • 會員承認並接受,這些條款可能隨時會被我們更改或修改,並且繼續參與本計劃將構成對此類更改的接受。任何更改或修改一經發布在https://www.sandro-paris.com.tw/cn (「網站」)後即時生效。
  • 您放棄接收有關此類更改或修改的具體通知之權利。因此,您應不時審閱這些條款和相關政策,以了解適用於本計劃的條款。如果您不同意這些條款,您必須停止參與本計劃。
  • 1. 會籍及資格
  • 1.1. 本計劃的會籍(「會籍」)僅限於: (a) 只限以個人身份登記的人士參與; (b) 每人只可申請一個會籍。 個人必須年滿 18 歲或已達到法定成年年齡(如果根據適用的當地法律已年滿)。會員有唯一的責任確保他們遵守這些年齡要求,以便合法地從會籍中受益。
  • 1.2. 可以透過報名時有效的指定渠道報名參加此計畫(例如線上https://www.sandro-paris.com.tw/cn/#register 以及臺灣 Sandro 實體店)。您聲明並保證您提交的與會員申請相關的所有資訊均完整、真實、準確且最新。當您發現您向我們提供的任何資訊不再完整、真實、準確或最新時,您應立即通知我們。會籍申請須經我們全權酌情批准,該決定應為最終且不受限制。我們在任何情況下都不會提供拒絕任何行動的理由。
  • 1.3. 我們可以隨時自行決定立即暫停或終止會員的會籍,恕不另行通知和/或出於任何原因;包括但不限於,如果我們懷疑(即使未經證實)會員違反或違犯了這些條款,參與了與本計劃相關的誤用或不當行為,以欺詐、不當、敵對或濫用方式行事,未能支付任何金額因我們的原因,其行為方式不符合任何適用的法律、法規、規則或條例。此類終止將導致自動喪失任何福利,並且會員將無法再參與該計劃(此類終止的記錄將保留在我們的記錄中)。本條款的任何內容均不應限制我們行使合法或公平的權利或補救措施。
  • 1.4. 您只有在我們自行決定批准您的會籍申請並決定授予您會籍時,才能成為會員並享受會員的各項福利。如獲授權,您的會籍有效期限由我們隨時指定。您應當根據我們的要求,在任何時候出於任何原因,向我們證明您的會籍和/或作為會員的資格,且必須提供我們認為合適的檔證明以支援您的資格。
  • 1.5. 您不得將您的會籍轉移或轉讓予第三方。
  • 1.6. 我們的附屬公司也可能有類似的會員計劃。本計劃的會籍並未授予我們附屬公司的任何計劃的任何權利或利益。
  • 1.7. 我們向會員(或選定的一組會員)提供的與本計劃相關的任何優惠、福利、禮品、代金券、產品或服務:( i ) 應不時規定、修改、提供、提供或終止,由我們自行決定,不對您承擔任何責任; (ii) 不能兌換現金或現金等價物。
  • 1.8. 會員全權負責確保使用機密且強/安全的密碼保護其線上會籍,並且不得將此類密碼透露給任何其他方。對於任何未經授權存取會員帳戶的後果,我們不承擔任何責任。
  • 1.9. 任何閒置時間不少於三 (3) 年的會籍均可由我們自行決定終止,並沒收任何未使用的權益。
  • 2. 會員等級
  • 2.1. 目前,本計畫有 4 個會員等級:BEIGE、SILVER、GOLD和DIAMOND。成功申請會籍後,會員將自動註冊成為BEIGE會員。我們將監控您的會籍下累計的合格消費,並根據發布在我們網站上的或以任何方式公告的會籍資格等級表(我們可能隨時調整)來調整您的會籍等級。
  • 2.2. 透過滿足特定級別規定的進入標準,會員將相應升級到該級別的會籍並開始享受與該特定級別相關的福利。除非另有說明,否則需在臺灣Sandro 實體店購買符合資格的產品,累積消費即可滿足入會條件。
  • 2.3. 為免生疑問,合格消費僅包括我們從臺灣 Sandro 實體店成功收到的實際金額。所有電子禮品卡、禮品卡、包裝、利息、稅金或運費的付款將被視為不包括在內。
  • 2.4. 會員一旦升級至BEIGE會員以上任何級別,他/她將有權在成為該會籍等級會員之日起最少12個月內保留在該等級,並享有相對應的等級福利,無論在該期間累積的合格消費為多少。此後,會員等級將根據其在該升級等級期間累積的合格消費重新評估。
  • 2.5. 所有等級的變動均由我們全權決定。
  • 2.6. 任何會員不得將其會籍轉讓、分配或以其他方式處置給第三方。從我們處收到的任何福利或優惠均不得轉讓、交換或出售。
  • BEIGE會員
  • 2.7. 成功申請會員後,會員將自動註冊成為BEIGE會員。
  • SILVER會員
  • 2.8. 在達到任何金額的合資格消費後,您將晉升為SILVER會員。
  • 2.9. SILVER會籍將自動延長12 個月。
  • GOLD會員
  • 2.10. 在12個月內累計合格消費額滿TWD 80,000或一次性購買正價商品滿TWD 36,000或以上,即可晉升為GOLD會員。
  • 2.11. 若您在 12 個月內累積合格消費額滿TWD 80,000晉升為GOLD會員,您將獲得 一張TWD 1,200 的升級禮券(「GOLD升級獎勵」)。
  • 2.12. 要維持GOLD會籍,您必須在成為GOLD會員之日起的每個連續 12 個月內累計合格消費額滿TWD 32,000 。
  • 2.13. 若您在 12 個月內未累積合格消費額滿 TWD 32,000,您的會員等級將根據該 12 個月內累積的合格消費重新評估。
  • 2.14. 在12個月內累積合格消費額滿TWD 120,000或一次性購買正價商品滿TWD 80,000或以上,即可晉升為DIAMOND會員。
  • 2.15. 若您在12個月內累積合格消費額滿TWD 120,000晉升為DIAMOND會員,您將獲得一張TWD 4,000的升級禮券(「DIAMOND升級獎勵」)。
  • 2.16. 要維持DIAMOND會籍,您必須在成為DIAMOND會員之日起的每個連續 12 個月內累積合格消費額滿TWD 80,000 元。
  • 2.17. 若您在 12 個月內未累積合格消費額滿 TWD 80,000,您的會員等級將根據該 12 個月內累積的合格消費重新評估。
  • 3. 會員福利
  • 升級獎勵
  • 3.1. 當您晉升至相關會籍層級時,GOLD升級獎勵和DIAMOND升級獎勵(統稱「升級獎勵」)將自動存入您的帳戶,並可供您使用直到下一個月的最後一天。升級獎勵將於獎勵存入您帳戶的下一個月的最後一天後到期。
  • 3.2. 升等獎勵只能用於一次兌換,並僅限於在我們選定的Sandro臺灣 實體店購買我們不時指定的產品。
  • 3.3. 升級獎勵不能與任何其他促銷、折扣或優惠同時使用(GOLD折扣/DIAMOND折扣和生日折扣除外)。
  • 3.4. 升級獎勵應根據我們全權決定的條款和條件提供。我們保留隨時更改、修改和/或終止升級獎勵的權利,並由我們全權決定。
  • 會員折扣優惠
  • 3.5. GOLD會員在指定 Sandro臺灣實體店購買正價商品可享 10% 折扣(「GOLD折扣」)。
  • 3.6. DIAMOND會員在指定 Sandro臺灣實體店購買正價商品可享12%折扣(「DIAMOND折扣」)。
  • 3.7. GOLD折扣和DIAMOND折扣(統稱為「會員 折扣」)不能用於 ( i ) 使用電子禮品卡或禮品卡支付的購買; (ii) 電子禮品卡、禮品卡、包裝、利息、稅金或運費的付款。
  • 3.8. 當您晉升至相關會員等級時,相關的會員折扣將自動存入您的帳戶。
  • 3.9. 會員折扣不能與任何其他促銷、折扣或優惠同時使用(升級獎勵和生日折扣除外)。
  • 3.10. 會員折扣應根據我們全權決定的條款和條件提供。我們保留隨時更改、修改和/或終止會員折扣的權利,並由我們全權決定。
  • 生日優惠
  • 3.11. SILVER會員在指定 Sandro臺灣實體店購買所有正價產品可享生日10%折扣優惠(「Silver生日折扣」) 。
  • 3.12. GOLD會員、DIAMOND會員在指定 Sandro臺灣實體店購買所有產品可享生日20%折扣優惠(「GOLD/DIAMOND生日折扣」) 。
  • 3.13. Silver生日折扣或GOLD/DIAMOND生日折扣(統稱為「生日折扣」 ) (與您的會員等級相關)將在會員生日月份前一個月的第一天(或您晉升至有資格獲得相關生日折扣的相應會籍等級的較晚日期)自動存入您的帳戶,並將一直可供您使用,直至會員生日月份的最後一天。生日折扣將在會員生日月份的最後一天後過期。
  • 3.14. 在臺灣註冊為DIAMOND會員將獲一份贈品(「DIAMOND生日禮物」),我們將聯絡符合資格的DIAMOND會員安排送禮事宜。
  • 3.15. 適用的生日折扣與您在相關時間的會員等級相關。在有效期內,您可以享受與您會員等級相對應的生日折扣。
  • 3.16. 生日折扣不能與任何其他促銷、折扣或優惠同時使用(會員折扣和升級獎勵除外)。
  • 3.17. 生日折扣和DIAMOND生日禮物應根據我們全權決定的條款和條件提供。我們保留隨時更改、修改和/或終止生日折扣及/或DIAMOND生日禮物的權利,並由我們全權決定。
  • 臺灣送貨服務
  • 3.18. 在臺灣註冊為GOLD會員,於指定 Sandro臺灣實體店一次性購買商品滿TWD 6,000或以上,可免費享受寄送至臺灣境內地址的標準送貨服務。
  • 3.19. 在臺灣註冊為DIAMOND會員,於指定 Sandro臺灣實體店購買所有產品,可免費享受送貨至臺灣境內地址的標準送貨服務。
  • 3.20. 送貨福利僅適用於我們自有品牌產品的配送,任何第三方品牌產品均不得包含在內。
  • 3.21. 送貨時間表將由我們指定 Sandro臺灣實體店的銷售助理提供。
  • 3.22. 送貨只能配送至臺灣境內的地址,且僅限於我們不時聘用的送貨服務商所覆蓋的運送區域。會員就送貨登記需要提供有效的臺灣地區電話號碼。當送貨服務供應商於分店提取貨品時,我們會向會員提供的手機號碼發送送貨細節的短訊通知。送貨員可能會在送貨前致電該手機號碼。如果運送不成功,我們分店代表將聯繫會員進行後續安排。
  • 3.23. 送貨福利不能兌換為現金或等值現金,且不可轉讓。
  • 3.24. 送貨福利應根據我們全權決定的條款和條件提供。我們保留隨時更改、修改和/或終止送貨福利的權利,並由我們全權決定。
  • 改衣服務
  • 3.25. SILVER會員凡於任何指定 Sandro臺灣實體店一次性淨購買滿TWD 14,000或以上,可享受正價產品TWD 500基本改衣服務優惠。
  • 3.26. GOLD會員凡於任何指定 Sandro臺灣實體店購買服裝商品,可享受正價產品TWD 500基本改衣服務優惠。
  • 3.27. DIAMOND會員凡於任何指定 Sandro臺灣實體店購買服裝商品,可享受正價產品TWD 1,500基本改衣服務優惠。
  • 3.28. 提供給SILVER、GOLD和DIAMOND會員的基本改衣服務優惠應根據我們全權決定的條款和條件提供。我們保留隨時更改、修改和/或終止改衣服務優惠的權利,並由我們全權決定。
  • 3.29. 有關改衣服務的更多資訊,請咨詢我們指定 Sandro臺灣實體店的銷售助理。
  • 4. 資料隱私
  • 4.1. 會員接受並明確同意,由會員或代表會員在註冊會員時提供的和/或在當會員期間向我們提供和/或由我們獲得的個人資訊將根據我們的隱私政策進行處理(政策詳情請參閱: http://www.sandro-paris.com.tw/privacy-policy)。
  • 5. 更改、終止計劃及/ 或從計劃中移除
  • 5.1. 我們保留隨時全權修改、修改、終止或取消本計劃、本計劃架構和/或條款的權利,無論是否事先通知。本計劃修改可能包括福利、兌換要求和特別優惠的變更。任何變更或修改將在我們的網站上發布修訂後立即生效。會員繼續使用本計劃將構成對修改和變更的接受。
  • 5.2. 若會員違反或疑似(即使未經證實)違反這些條款、在本計畫中從事濫用或不當行為,以欺詐、不當、敵對或濫用方式行事,未向我們支付到期金額、該會員的行為與任何適用法律、法規、規則或條例不符,或該會員的居住在或搬遷到根據適用法律禁止會籍的國家,我們可立即暫停或終止該會員的會籍,無需事先通知,且由我們全權決定。這種終止將導致該會員自動喪失任何福利,且該會員無法再參與本計劃(我們的記錄中將保留這種終止會籍的記錄)。本條款的任何內容均不限制我們行使合法或公平的權利或補救措施。
  • 5.3. 會員確認並同意,我們保留對這些條款解釋的唯一和專屬權利。若與會員有任何爭議,我們對爭議的決定將是最終決定,該會員並無上訴權。
  • 5.4. 如果您決定不再成為會員,您可以透過電子郵件cstw@sandro-paris.com通知我們取消您的會籍。
  • 5.5. 如果您的會籍被撤銷或以其他方式取消,您帳戶中的任何獎勵或福利將立即被沒收,並且無法恢復。
  • 6. 免責聲明
  • 6.1. 就本計劃或任何優惠、推廣、獎賞或禮遇提供予閣下的任何內容或資料僅供一般參考用途,不擬用作閣下應倚賴的任何建議、保證、陳述或擔保。
  • 6.2. 我們不對以下情況負責: (a) 任何會員申請、通信、兌換請求或福利的任何遺失、誤寄或延遲接收; (b) 竊盜或未經授權兌換福利; (c) 第三方的任何作為或不作為; (d) 關於計畫的任何錯誤的發布,包括但不限於有關任何定價或印刷錯誤、描述錯誤以及向會員授予優惠時的錯誤。我們保留不另行通知糾正任何錯誤的權利。
  • 6.3. 您同意,就您參與本計畫、使用任何獎勵優惠或其他福利或這些條款所產生或相關的任何合同、保證或侵權行為(包括疏忽)的索賠或行動,均不得於有關訴訟或行動所涉及的原因發生後超過一(1)年之期限提出。
  • 7. 責任限制
  • 7.1. 在適用法律允許的最大範圍內,我們(包括我們的董事、管理人員、代理人、顧問和和關聯人士,以及我們的關聯公司(包括附屬公司和子公司)對於因本條款、您申請成為會員、您的會員資格、您參與該計劃和/或與該計劃相關的任何利益或優惠而直接或間接,導致的任何形式的經濟損失(包括利潤損失)或其他形式的所有損失或損害,均不承擔任何責任。 在適用法律允許的最大範圍內,不論合約責任、保證責任、侵權責任(包括過失)、產品責任、嚴格責任或其他方面,本文規定的我們的責任限制均適用,即使我們或我們的授權代表已獲悉有關損害的可能性。
  • 8. 賠款
  • 8.1. 在適用法律允許的最大範圍內,您同意賠償並使我們免受因您參與本計畫而導致的所有所有訴訟、訴訟、責任、索賠、損失、損害以及合理成本和開支(視情況而定),除非該等情形是由於我們方面的重大過失或故意不當行為造成的。
  • 9. 整個協議
  • 9.1. 這些條款,連同本文中所納入或提及的條款,構成了會員與我們之間關於本計畫的全部協議,並取代任何先前對本計畫的理解或協議(無論是口頭或書面形式),並且除非以書面形式達成共識,或根據這些條款由我們單方面修訂或修改,否則不得進行修訂或修改協議。
  • 10. 適用法律和 爭議
  • 10.1. 這些條款和本計劃 受臺灣法律管轄並依臺灣法律解釋。
  • 10.2. 如有任何爭議,我們保留最終決定權。
  • 11. 語言
  • 11.1. 此等條款以英語撰寫,並可翻譯成中文或其他語言。如本條款的英文版本和翻譯版本有任何歧義,在適用法律許可的範圍內,應以英文版本為準。
  • 12. 有關該計劃的其他信息
  • 12.1. 如果您對本計劃有任何疑問,請電郵至cstw@sandro-paris.com 查詢。


[*] March 2024

  • Our Sandro Loyalty Program (the "Program") is operated and administered by SMCP Taiwan Trading Co. Ltd. in Taiwan ("we", "our" or "us"). The Program will provide its members ("Member") the opportunity to receive certain benefits from time to time ("Benefits"). PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT ARE APPLICABLE TO THE PROGRAM ("THESE TERMS") CAREFULLY.
  • Members acknowledge and agree that their participation in the Program is subject to and contingent on Member’s acceptance of our Privacy Policy found at: http://www.sandro-paris.com.tw/privacy-policy
  • , Cookie Policy found at: https://www.sandro-paris.com.tw/cookies-policy, and Terms and Conditions of the website of Sandro (https://www.sandro-paris.com.tw/cn found at: https://www.sandro-paris.com.tw/cn/membership-terms-and-conditions. These policies and terms and conditions are deemed to be incorporated into these Terms.
  • Members acknowledge and accept that these Terms may at any time be changed or modified by us and that continued participation in the Program will constitute an acceptance of such change. Any changes or modifications will be effective immediately upon posting the revisions to https://www.sandro-paris.com.tw/cn ("Website").
  • You waive any right you may have to receive specific notice of such changes or modifications. Therefore, you should review these Terms and applicable policies from time to time to understand the terms and conditions that apply to the Program. If you do not agree to the Terms, you must stop participating in the Program.
  • 1.1. Membership to the Program ("Membership") is limited to: (a) individuals in their personal capacity only; and (b) one Membership account per individual. Individuals must be least 18 years of age or have reached the age of majority, if older under applicable local laws. It is a Member’s sole and exclusive responsibility to ensure that they comply with these age requirements in order to legitimately benefit from the Membership.
  • 1.2. Enrolment in the Program can be made through designated channels which are valid at the time of the enrolment (such as online at https://www.sandro-paris.com.tw/cn/#register and in physical Sandro stores in Taiwan). You represent and warrant that all information submitted by you in relation to your application for Membership shall be complete, true, accurate and up-to-date. You shall promptly notify us upon becoming aware that any information provided by you to us is no longer complete, true, accurate or up-to-date. Application for Membership is subject to our approval in our sole discretion, which decision shall be final and unfettered. Under no circumstance would any reason for refusing any action be given.
  • 1.3. We may immediately suspend or terminate a Member’s Membership at any time without notice and/or for any reason, and in our sole discretion; including without limitation, if we suspect (even if not proven) the Member has breached or violated these Terms, engaged in misuse or wrongdoing in connection with the Program, acted in a fraudulent, inappropriate, hostile or abusive manner, failed to pay any amount due to us, acted in a manner inconsistent with any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance. Such termination will result in an automatic forfeiture of any Benefits and Member will no longer be able to participate in the Program (a record of such termination will be retained on our records). Nothing contained in these Terms shall limit us in the exercise of our legal or equitable rights or remedies.
  • 1.4. You will only become a member and may enjoy the benefits provided to Members , if we, in our sole discretion, approve your application for Membership and decide to grant you Membership, then Your Membership will be valid for such period as we may specify from time to time. You shall upon our request, at any time and for any reason, prove your Membership and/or your eligibility as a Member to our satisfaction and produce such documentary proof in support of the eligibility as we shall deem fit.
  • 1.5. You may not transfer or assign Your Membership to any third party.
  • 1.6. Our Affiliates may also have similar loyalty programs. Membership to the Program does not confer any rights or benefits in any program of our affiliates.
  • 1.7. Any offers, benefits, gifts, vouchers, products or services provided by us to Members (or a select group of Members) in relation to the Program: (i) shall be prescribed, amended, provided, offered or terminated, from time to time, at our sole discretion, without any liability to you; and (ii) cannot be exchanged for cash or cash equivalent.
  • 1.8. Members are solely responsible for ensuring that access to their online membership in the Program is protected using a confidential and strong/secure password, and such password must not be disclosed to any other party. We cannot be held liable for the consequences of any unauthorized access to a Member’s account.
  • 1.9. Any Membership that has been inactive for a period of not less than three (3) years may be terminated by us, in its sole discretion, with any unused Benefits being forfeited.
  • 2.1. Currently, there are 4 tiers of Membership: Beige, Silver, Gold and Diamond. Upon successful application for Membership, Members will be automatically enrolled in the Program with the Beige Membership. We will monitor your accumulated eligible spending recorded under your Membership and adjust your Membership level upwards or downwards by referring to the scale of Membership qualifications published (which may be adjusted by us at any time) on our Website or howsoever announced.
  • 2.2. By satisfying the entry criteria prescribed for a specific tier, a Member will be accordingly upgraded to that tier of Membership and start enjoying the benefits associated with that particular tier. Unless otherwise stated, the entry criteria can be satisfied only by an accumulation of spending through eligible purchases of products from physical Sandro stores in Taiwan.
  • 2.3. For avoidance of doubt, the eligible spending shall only include the actual amounts successfully received by us for payment of products from physical Sandro stores in Taiwan. All payments for e-gift cards, gift cards, packaging, interest, taxes or shipping will be deemed excluded.
  • 2.4. Once a Member is upgraded to any tier above Beige Membership, he/she shall be entitled to remain in that tier for a minimum of 12 months from the date of becoming a Member of that tier of Membership and receive the corresponding tier benefits, regardless of the eligible spending within that period of time. Thereafter, the tier of Membership shall be re-assessed by reference to the accumulated eligible spending during the time he/she stayed in that upgraded tier.
  • 2.5. All tier movements are subject to our sole discretion.
  • 2.6. No Member may transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of their Membership to a third party. No benefit or offer received from us shall be transferred, bartered or sold.
  • Beige Membership
  • 2.7. Upon successful application for Membership, Members will be automatically enrolled in the Program with the Beige Membership.
  • Silver Membership
  • 2.8. After having made any amount of eligible spending, you will advance to Silver Membership.
  • 2.9. The Silver Membership will be automatically renewed for successive periods of 12 months.
  • Gold Membership
  • 2.10. After having accumulated eligible spending of TWD 80,000 within 12 months or purchased TWD 36,000 or above of regular priced products in a single transaction, you will advance to Gold Membership.
  • 2.11. If you advanced to Gold Membership through the accumulation of eligible spending of TWD 80,000 within 12 months, you will receive a TWD 1,200 Upgrade Voucher ("Gold Upgrade Reward").
  • 2.12. To maintain the Gold Membership, you must accumulate eligible spending of TWD 32,000 during each consecutive 12 months’ period following the date of becoming a Gold Member.
  • 2.13. If you do not accumulate eligible spending of TWD 32,000 in 12 months, your tier of Membership shall be re-assessed by reference to the accumulated eligible spending during the 12 months.
  • Diamond Membership
  • 2.14. After having accumulated eligible spending of TWD 120,000 within 12 months or purchased TWD 80,000 or above in a single transaction, you will advance to Diamond Membership.
  • 2.15. If you advanced to Diamond Membership through the accumulation of eligible spending of TWD 120,000 within 12 months, you will receive a TWD 4,000 Upgrade Voucher ("Diamond Upgrade Reward").
  • 2.16. To maintain the Diamond Membership, you must accumulate eligible spending of TWD 80,000 during each consecutive 12 months’ period following the date of becoming a Diamond Member.
  • 2.17. If you do not accumulate eligible spending of TWD 80,000 in 12 months, your tier of Membership shall be re-assessed by reference to the accumulated eligible spending during the 12 months.
  • Upgrade Rewards
  • 3.1. The Gold Upgrade Reward and Diamond Upgrade Reward (collectively, "Upgrade Rewards") will be automatically loaded onto your account when you advance to the relevant tier of Membership and will be available to you until the last day of the immediately following month. The Upgrade Rewards will expire after the last day of the month immediately following the month in which the Upgrade Reward is loaded onto your account.
  • 3.2. The Upgrade Rewards can only be used for one redemption and for the purchase of products that we may designate from time to time at our selected physical Sandro stores in Taiwan.
  • 3.3. The Upgrade Rewards cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions, discounts or offers (except Gold Discount/ Diamond Discount and Birthday Discounts).
  • 3.4. The Upgrade Rewards shall be provided or prescribed by us on terms and conditions determined in our sole discretion. We reserve our right to change, modify and/ or terminate the Upgrade Reward(s) at any time and in our sole discretion.
  • Member Discounts
  • 3.5. Gold Members can enjoy 10% discount ("Gold Discount") on the purchase of regular priced products from selected physical Sandro stores in Taiwan.
  • 3.6. Diamond Members can enjoy 12% discount ("Diamond Discount") on the purchase of regular priced products from selected physical Sandro stores in Taiwan.
  • 3.7. The Gold Discount and Diamond Discount (collectively, "Member Discount(s)") cannot be used for (i) purchases that are paid with e-gift card(s) or gift card(s); (ii) payments for e-gift cards, gift cards, packaging, interest, taxes or shipping.
  • 3.8. The relevant Discounts will be automatically loaded onto your account when you advance to the relevant tier of Membership.
  • 3.9. The Member Discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions, discounts or offers (except Upgrade Rewards and Birthday Discounts).
  • 3.10. The Member Discounts shall be provided or prescribed by us on terms and conditions determined in our sole discretion. We reserve our right to change, modify and/ or terminate the Member Discount(s) at any time and in our sole discretion.
  • Birthday Gift
  • 3.11. Silver Members can enjoy 10% birthday discount ("Silver Birthday Discount") on the purchase of all regular priced products from selected physical Sandro stores in Taiwan.
  • 3.12. Gold Members and Diamond Members can enjoy 20% birthday discount ("Gold/ Diamond Birthday Discount") on the purchase of all products from selected physical Sandro stores in Taiwan.
  • 3.13. The Silver Birthday Discount or the Gold/ Diamond Birthday Discount (collectively, "Birthday Discount(s)") (correlating to your tier of Membership) will be automatically loaded onto your account on the first (1st) day of the month immediately preceding the Member’s birthday month (or on such later date when you advance to the relevant tier of Membership that is eligible for the relevant Birthday Discount) and will be available to you until the last day of the Member’s birthday month. The Birthday Discounts will expire after the last day of the Member’s birthday month.
  • 3.14. Diamond Members registered as a Member in Taiwan will receive a complimentary gift ("Diamond Birthday Gift"), and we will contact eligible Diamond Members about the gifting arrangements.
  • 3.15. The relevant Birthday Discount applicable is associated with your tier of Membership at the relevant time. You can enjoy the Birthday Discount applicable to your tier of Membership at the time of use within the validity period.
  • 3.16. The Birthday Discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions, discounts or offers (except Member Discounts and Upgrade Rewards).
  • 3.17. The Birthday Discounts and Diamond Birthday Gift shall be provided or prescribed by us on terms and conditions determined in our sole discretion. We reserve our right to change, modify and/ or terminate the Birthday Discount(s) and/ or Diamond Birthday Gift at any time and in our sole discretion.
  • Delivery in Taiwan
  • 3.18. Gold Members registered as a Member in Taiwan can enjoy free standard delivery to a delivery address within Taiwan upon a net purchase of TWD 6,000 or above of products from selected physical Sandro stores in Taiwan in a single transaction.
  • 3.19. Diamond Members registered as a Member in Taiwan can enjoy free standard delivery to a delivery address within Taiwan on all purchases of products from selected physical Sandro stores in Taiwan.
  • 3.20. The delivery benefit can only be used for the delivery of our own branded products and no third party branded products can be included in the delivery.
  • 3.21. The delivery schedule will be advised by our sales associate at our selected physical Sandro stores in Taiwan.
  • 3.22. Delivery can only be made to a delivery address in Taiwan and is limited to delivery areas covered by the delivery service provider that we engage from time to time. The Member will be required to provide a valid Taiwan mobile phone number for delivery registration and an SMS notification of the delivery details may be sent to mobile number provided to us when the item(s) to be delivered is/ are picked-up from our store by the delivery service provider. The delivery agent may call the mobile number provided prior to the delivery. If the delivery is not successful, the store representative will contact the Member for subsequent arrangement.
  • 3.23. The delivery benefit cannot be exchanged for cash or cash equivalent and is non-transferable.
  • 3.24. The delivery benefit shall be provided or prescribed by us on terms and conditions determined in our sole discretion. We reserve our right to change, modify and/ or terminate the delivery benefit at any time and in our sole discretion.
  • Alteration
  • 3.25. Silver Members can enjoy TWD 500 alteration fee on regular priced garment products purchased from selected physical Sandro stores in Taiwan upon a net purchase of TWD 14,000 in a single transaction.
  • 3.26. Gold Members can enjoy TWD 500 alteration fee on regular priced garment products purchased from selected physical Sandro stores in Taiwan.
  • 3.27. Diamond Members can enjoy TWD 1,500 alteration fee on regular priced garment products purchased from selected physical Sandro stores in Taiwan.
  • 3.28. The alteration benefit offered to our Silver, Gold and Diamond Members shall be provided or prescribed by us on terms and conditions determined in our sole discretion. We reserve our right to change, modify and/ or terminate the alteration benefit at any time and in our sole discretion.
  • 3.29. For more information relating to alteration services, please consult our sales associate at our selected physical Sandro stores in Taiwan.
  • 4.1. Member accepts and explicitly agrees that personal information which is supplied by or on behalf of Member when enrolling for Membership and/or supplied to and/or obtained by us during the course of the Member’s Membership, will be processed by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy (found at: http://www.sandro-paris.com.tw/privacy-policy).
  • 5.1. We reserve the right to amend, modify, terminate or cancel the Program, Program structure and/or these Terms at our sole discretion at any time, with or without notice. Program modifications may include changes to Benefits, redemption requirements and the features of special offers. Any changes or modifications will be effective immediately upon posting the revisions to our Website. A Member’s continued use of the Program will constitute acceptance of the amendments and modifications.
  • 5.2. We may immediately suspend or terminate a Member’s membership in the Program at any time without notice and/or for any reason, and in our sole discretion; including without limitation, if we suspect (even if not proven) the Member has breached or violated these Terms, engaged in misuse or wrongdoing in connection with the Program, acted in a fraudulent, inappropriate, hostile or abusive manner, failed to pay any amount due to us, acted in a manner inconsistent with any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance, or resides in or relocates to a country where membership is prohibited under applicable law. Such termination will result in an automatic forfeiture of any Benefits and Member will no longer be able to participate in the Program (a record of such termination will be retained on our records). Nothing contained in these Terms shall limit us in the exercise of our legal or equitable rights or remedies.
  • 5.3. Members acknowledge and agree that we reserve the sole and exclusive right to the interpretation of these Terms. In the event of any dispute with Members, our determination of the dispute will be final, without right of further appeal.
  • 5.4. If you decide that you no longer want to be a Member, you may notify us of your wish to cancel your Membership by email at cstw@sandro-paris.com.
  • 5.5. If your Membership is revoked or otherwise cancelled, any rewards or benefits in your account will be forfeited immediately and the same cannot be reinstated.
  • 6.1. We make no warranties or representations, express or implied with respect to type, quality or fitness of goods or services provided through the Program or by us. Any content or materials provided to you in relation to the Program, Benefits or any other offers, promotions, rewards or benefits are for your general reference only, and are not intended to amount to any advice, guarantee, representation or warranty on which you should rely.
  • 6.2. We are not responsible for: (a) any loss or misdirection of, or delay in receiving, any Member application, correspondence, redemption requests, or Benefits; (b) theft or unauthorised redemption of Benefits; (c) any acts or omissions of third parties; or (d) any errors published in relation to the Program, including, without limitation, any pricing or typographical errors, errors of description, and errors in the awarding of Benefits to Members. We reserve the right to correct, without notice, any errors.
  • 6.3. You agree that no claims or actions in contract, warranty or in tort (including negligence) arising out of, or related to, your participation in the Program, use of any rewards or other benefit or these Terms may be brought by you more than one (1) year after the cause of action relating to such claim or action arose.
  • 7.1. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we (including our directors, officers, agents, consultants and associates, along with our related companies (including affiliate and subsidiary companies)) will not be liable to you for any loss or damages of any kind (whether direct, consequential, indirect, economic or otherwise (including loss of profits)) arising out of or in connection with these Terms, your application for Membership, your Membership, your participation in the Program and/or any benefits or offers in relation to the Program, including but not limited to changes to or termination of the Program, your Membership or any benefits or offers in relation to the Program. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the limitations on our liability set forth herein shall apply whether in contract, warranty, tort (including negligence), product liability, strict liability, or otherwise, even if we or our authorised representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
  • 8.1. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless against all actions, proceedings, liabilities, claims, loss, damages and reasonable costs and expenses which may be taken against us or which we may suffer, sustain or incur (as the case be) as a result of your participation in the Program except to the extent caused by the gross negligence or wilful misconduct on our part.
  • 9.1. These Terms, together with those incorporated herein or referred to herein constitute the entire agreement between the Members and us relating to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any prior understandings or agreements (whether oral or written) regarding the subject matter and may not be amended or modified except as agreed in writing, or as may be unilaterally amended or modified by us in accordance with these Terms.
  • 10.1. These Terms and the Program are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Taiwan.
  • 10.2. In case of any dispute, we reserve the right of final decision.
  • 11. LANGUAGE
  • 11.1. These Terms are written in the English and may be translated into Chinese or any other languages. In the event of any discrepancy or conflict between the different language versions of these Terms, the English version shall prevail.
  • 12.1. If you have any questions regarding the Program, please contact us at cstw@sandro-paris.com.